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The interactive infographic, "Digitization and Flexibility in the Electricity Distribution Network", takes viewers on an exciting journey through various scenarios in a fictitious distribution network. By exploring various elements of the fictional landscape and having the opportunity to change various parameters in the power grid themselves, users experience first-hand the positive impact of digitalization and flexibility on the flow of electricity, data and finances. This interactive animation is a powerful tool to educate and engage audiences while highlighting the critical role of these technologies in preventing network issues such as congestion.
Interaktive animierte Infografik von Infografik Pro GmbH - Agentur für interaktive Infografiken
Interaktive animierte Infografik von Infografik Pro GmbH - Agentur für interaktive Infografiken
Interaktive animierte Infografik von Infografik Pro GmbH - Agentur für interaktive Infografiken
Interaktive animierte Infografik von Infografik Pro GmbH - Agentur für interaktive Infografiken
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